Kenneth Gray

Pastoral Resident

The Vision

Exodus Church seeks to be a redeemed people who worship and serve God in the world. Exodus also has a passion and calling to plant churches.

I am one of two biblically-qualified men that they have chosen to complete a 2.5 year pastoral training residency as part of their new training program for pastors and church planters called The Orchard Initiative.

The Details

I will be studying and working over these 2.5 years, overseeing different areas of ministry in preparation to be sent out into pastoral ministry.

Exodus is providing free housing, training materials and costs, as well as matching up to $1,500 a month that I raise.

The Ask

Would you consider coming alongside me and my family as I seek to grow as a resident in The Orchard Initiative?

You can do so by praying for me and my family as well as financially by either a monthly or a one-time gift through the link below.

Exodus Church
6325 Wilkinson Blvd, Belmont, NC 28012


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