The Need for Well-Trained Planters and Pastors

Sep 13, 2021

A well-known historic theologian, Augustine, described a pastor’s job this way.

Disturbers are to be rebuked, the low-spirited to be encouraged, the infirm to be supported, objectors confuted, the treacherous guarded against, the unskilled taught, the lazy aroused, the contentious restrained, the haughty repressed, litigants pacified, the poor relieved, the oppressed liberated, the good approved, the evil borne with, and all are to be loved.

Augustine’s list is pretty substantial. Even still, this list isn’t exhaustive. The modern pastor must also be an effective administrator and leader as he guides and oversees the day-to-day operations of his church. And most importantly, before all else, he must care for himself and his family. The work of a pastor takes an intense mental and physical toll.

Every pastor carries a heavy responsibility for the souls entrusted to his care. All too often, we hear the statistics and stories of pastors who are struggling under the weight of this duty. Many experience loneliness, depression, and burnout trying to meet unrealistic expectations, both from others and from within themselves. Churches suffer when their pastors suffer and many pastors are leaving the ministry.

The church as a whole needs pastors who are prepared for these realities. We believe that Exodus Church can play a huge role in helping to train and mentor pastors so that their ministry will be long and fruitful.

The Orchard Initiative is how Exodus will seek to train, develop, and launch planters and pastors so they can lead faithful and fruitful churches.

Our plan is to create a residency program for men who seek to become pastors and church planters. They will train here with our Exodus staff for an extended residency, learning the nuts and bolts of church operations, being mentored by our elders, and experiencing what a healthy, gospel-centered church looks and feels like. They will learn how to serve with the support of other pastors and leaders, as well as the support of an invested church body. These new pastors will be mentored and discipled, they’ll experience relationships with others who have their best interests at heart, then we’ll launch them into their own ministry of pastoring and planting other churches.

We’re so excited for what The Orchard Initiative can mean for the kingdom-building work of God.